What is an Expert Witness an a Factual Witness?


During a trial the court will have factual witnesses testify almost every single time. There is also another kind of witness that is typically called upon during a trial and these are the expert witnesses but they are not as common and will only be called upon depending on the trial. However, is there a difference between a factual witness and an expert witness?  Well first of all the information that is provided by the witnesses are crucial. The information that you will be able to receive from the witnesses is crucial for the trial but the information from a factual witness and an expert witness will be totally different.

The Witness That Was There

Factual witnesses or eye witnesses are vital because they know what actually happened because they saw it and that is why they are called factual witnesses because they know the facts. So basically they are called factual witnesses because they saw what happened with their own two eyes and telling the jury what happened is basically giving them cold hard facts because it is the truth. These witnesses have seen things that no one was able to see and so it is important that they are able to share this information. The information that is provided to the court through factual Use of Force Expert Witness is extremely crucial when it comes down to the jury coming up with a decision to put away the criminal.

It is vital that the witness tells the truth because it will not do the jury any good to handle lies and so to help with that the witness takes an oath to tell the truth. After they take the oath then the witness will be asked a number of different questions about what happened. It is still possible for the witness to lie especially if they are friends of the defendant or they want the defendant to be put away for a long time so it is crucial for the lawyers and the persecutors to listen carefully to the witnesses to locate the truth and the lies and also any kinds of discrepancies as well. View http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/143120/criminal-law for facts about criminal law.

Facts on Expert Witnesses

An expert witness from www.ttwilliamspi.com is completely different from a factual witness. An expert witness is not like a witness who actually saw the crime but they are people who can figure out what happened through their expertise and experience while also being able to explain it to the court. There are many different kinds of expert witnesses out there and they are all vital. It is even possible for experts of flowers to be called upon especially if the investigators found particular flowers at the crime scene.

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